Sunday, May 3, 2009

WA7 Final draft

Once upon a time there was a little chimp named Hevateneo that loved to go to school.  He loved learning about science and math and English.  Everyday he would wake up, take a shower, get dressed and eat a heart healthy breakfast that consisted of bananas and raisin bran. After breakfast he brushed his teeth, flossed, then he grabbed his backpack, lunch money, pencil and his favorite red beanie.  As he left the door his mother would always remind him to look both ways before crossing the road or else a car could hit him.  Hevateneo always wanted to get to school as quickly as possible but he always took the time to look both ways before crossing the road just like his mother said to do.  Hevateneo walked to school all year long.  He walked through rain, snow, wind, hail, sleet, frozen rain, monsoons, hurricanes, thunder, lightening, heat, drought, meteor showers, earthquakes, and even wild fires.  And everyday no matter what the situation was he always looked both ways before crossing the road.  His mother was always so happy to see him come home everyday she made him fresh banana cream pie.  One day after school as Hevateneo was leaving school his saw some classmates smoking a cigarette.  They saw Hevateneo and invited him over.  He did not want to be rude so he went over and asked what they were doing Giovanni Giraffe said that they were just relaxing and smoking a cigarette.  When Hevateneo asked why, Giovanni Giraffe simply replied, “All the cool kids are doing it.”  Being uncool was the last thing Hevateneo wanted to happen and as long as he looked both ways before he crossed the road his mother surely wouldn’t care.  Giovanni Giraffe extended his front leg toward Hevateneo with the cigarette wedged in his hoof.  Hevateneo timidly grabbed the cigarette with his thumb and pointer finger.  As he brought the cigarette to his lips his eyes closed and he took a long deep breath.  He could feel the popularity enter his body.  As he went home he felt like a new chimp.  He was on top of the world.  His regular banana cream pie was extra delicious and he got the best night of sleep he had had ever.  The next morning he decided to mix up his routine by having frosted flakes instead of raisin bran.  His mother was shocked but understood that having a little variety was a good thing.  On his way to school he stopped when he got to the road.  He stared straight across the road and lifted his foot but his head instinctively snapped from side to side to see if there were any cars.  As usual there were none and he preceded to school.  Again after school he saw Giovanni Giraffe smoking a cigarette.  Hevateneo took a whole cigarette for himself and finished it quickly.  Disaster the Hippo(the prettiest girl in the school) saw him and gave him her phone number.  He couldn’t have been happier and as he was walking home he forgot to look both ways before crossing the road and was hit by a Ferrari going 90 miles per hour.  His mother went looking for him only to find a dark splotch on the road.  She knew it was he because of the little red beanie plastered to the road.  She went home, ate an entire banana cream pie by herself and cried herself to sleep.  The moral of the story is never flirt with Disaster.

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